

Learning to fly a sailplane is a blend of the “Basics of Flight” and good judgment. There are several programs specifically designed to fit your needs and goods. The pilots and instructors at Crazy Creek Soaring make learning to fly safe and fun.

Individual instruction rate per hour……….$60

Basic Instruction Includes:

  • Thirty-five to forty-five training flights for a total of 10-12 hours of flight time.
  • Approximately five hours of ground instruction.

This course will take the student with no previous flight experience up to first solo……….approx. $3,000

Advanced Instruction Includes:

  • Ten to fourteen training flights and 25-30 solo flights should prepare the “solo student” for the FAA private pilot oral and flight exam.

A minimum of 7 hours of solo time are required for a private pilot license……….approx. $3,000

Cross Country Instruction

  • Tailored to the individual pilot, and is a combination of ground and cross country flight instruction, including supervised solo cross country flying.

Power Plane To Glider Pilot Instruction

  • Six to twelve hours.
  • Private pilot add-on rating – minimum of 10 solo flights………..approx. $2000
  • Commercial pilot add-on rating minimum of 20 solo flights………..approx. $2000 – $3000
Sailplane Rental Rates Per Hour
Schleicher ASK – 21 (Double)$66
Schleicher ASK – 23 (Single)$45
Block Time Discounts: You may purchase flight time, instructor time and tow service in $1,000 blocks and receive 5% additional credit. Block discounts must be used within one year of purchase.